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Alliance of Anime Forums

Celebrity Brain Project

By MetalAnime

My school has assigned me to do a project on a celebrity's brain....Though I would not say Hitler was a celebrity, I decided to roast on him by doing a video, since the assignment requires a 'visual aid.' The thing is, I have to get everything done by Monday, September 15th, 2008, and today is Saturday, September 13th, 2008. This leaves me with one full day to get this project done and I'm not even half done -.-'. Mrs. Moran, YOU SUCK! No, just kidding....Just kidding. Don't give me an F.

Here are some pictures and samples retracted from the actual video for this post. It should give you a general idea of what to expect. The cast members of this project are:

Sounds of Victory 0 [Blargh]

Redgame [The guy that voice acts]

Note: Redgame will not have a major part for the first episode of Celebrity Brain Projects but will later on.

Kurochi Misa [The girl that voice acts]

The Geno Garon [The other guy that voice acts]

Supernaut [The guy that does the pictures]

Not that much of a cast but it was the best I could recruit for this project.

Everyone must have wondered why Hitler did some of the things he did. Our theory is that he thought he was 'gangsta' and 'gangsta' people killed Jews and other queers....

....See how pimp he is....Somebody needs to slap the 'pimpage' out of this 'foo.'

I'm going to get started now, but I need to address something to the other people out there who are wondering about when Ichigo is on Crack Part II should be finished. I will be blunt. It's probably not going to be finished anytime soon. School just started and summer has ended, the majority of the cast has schoolwork to finish and therefore they consider that their first priority. I don't blame them, but I do ask that you just chill for a bit and let us do our thing. We'll get it out no matter what, it's just going to be a while.

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