Dating Sims (Anime Fanboy Paradise)
Dating Simulations

Someone, and he still hasn't shut the fuck about it, once told me that every anime fan has to have seen the series Neon Genesis Evangelion at least once to really be called an anime lover. That's complete horse fices and I want to introduce a lead pipe to his face for that. Of course the anime itself is excellent and addicting as hell, but still doesn't undermine your 'Otakuness.' However, Metanimation, disregarding what I just said, does not seem to be either for or against the anime. Their game EVA 4 Dating Simulation, or whatever they call it is sweet, but that's only on the outside....On the inside, the characters are fucking idiots who have a variety of problematic issues such as drugs and an addiction to slicing a man's penis off. I love it. Except for the fact that I nearly choked on a piece of chicken while I was playing, not to mention the fact that I wanted to go on a rampage with a wooden chair when I saw the ending. It is the most anti-climatic one you would ever see, probably on par with the anime's ending.

The game really isn't that bad despite my rant. You're not really playing these games for sexual stimulation, it's more for whenever you need a good laugh. Plus, it's not often you see a game where you can actually date a girl from an anime....Screw that cardboard box I have, boning the drawings is the new fad.

I was pawned by Metanimation, they're probably having a laugh right now, but yes, they pawned me. After my hard work of achieving a virtual erection and hoping to see some hot sexy anime action with the chicks, they pulled the same damn stunt as they did with EVA 4! -_____________-....Meh, whatever. There were no boobies....Just the words *Thanks for playing, hope you play again ^__^* or some other bullcrap. I was like....You whores!
But! I think Metanimation is awesome due to the fact that they managed to addict me to the game for so long even without the explicit acts you see on other games.
But! I think Metanimation is awesome due to the fact that they managed to addict me to the game for so long even without the explicit acts you see on other games.
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