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Redgame's Happy Hour Anime Review - Tengan Toppa Gurren Lagann

By MetalAnime
Hey there, this is Redgame, voice of Ichigo in the series "Ichigo is on Crack." Being a hardcore anime fan I decided to give you my reviews of various anime. Today's review is of...


Synopsis: Animated by the legendary company Gainax (famous for animating series such as Neon Genesis Evangelion and FLCL) Tengan Toppa Gurren Lagann or simply Gurren Lagann is a Sci-fi anime set in the distant future where the human race is forced to live in underground villages, with no contact with the surface. Although, through a series of events, orphans Simon (Sea-moan) and Kamina (Kah-me-nah) manage to get out of their village and to the surface with the help of a mecha (known as a "Gunman") that Simon found, (which is dubbed the name "Lagann" by Kamina) and a neighboring village girl by the name of Yoko (Yo-ko) who's village was forced to the surface due to a violent earthquake caused by a speices known as "Beastmen" who are supposed to be the only ones who pilot Gunmans. During a battle, Kamina hi-jacks a Gunman and claims it as his own, giving it the name "Gurren". During a different battle with a Beastman known as Viral, Simon and Kamina find out they can combine their Gunmans, thus naming this new combination Gunman "Gurren-Lagann". With these Gunman, Simon, Kamina, Yoko and a steadily growing group of various followers set to destroy the Beastmen's base to end the struggle between them and the surface dewelers.

Main Character List:

Simon - Main character. Pilot of Lagann and Co-pilot of Gurren-Lagann.

Kamina - Pilot of Gurren and Co-pilot of Gurren-Lagann, Simon's friend, fellow orphan and "Soul Brother".

Yoko - A neighboring girl to Simon and Kamina's village. Helps Simon and Kamina during battles with her advanced marksmanship with her rifle. Carries a multitude of firearms.

Nia - A young girl (found by Simon) that joins the journey. Develops a close relationship with Simon throughout the story.



Gurren Lagann's art is simply, fantastic and beautiful, especially the battle sequences. Just what you would expect from the legenday Gainax.

Rating - 10 out of 10


As far as the plot goes, it keeps you entertained. The battle sequences keep you at the edge of your seat and the various humor and touch of drama weaved just makes it perfect.The story also has an interesting time-line, showing the characters develop both physically and mentally. The characters themselves are hilarious and witty, both on the battleground and off.

Rating - 10 out of 10


Tengan Toppa Gurren Lagann is truly a MUST SEE ANIME. Every bit of this Anime is pure gold. Even if your not that much of a Mecha fan, you should still watch it. It's fun, action-packed, funny and has characters you won't soon forget. I have this in my favorites list and you should too!

Overall Rating - 10 out of 10

And so ends my review for the Anime "Tengan Toppa Gurren Lagann". Again, this is Redgame wishing you a most excellent day! see-ya next time!


2 comments so far.

  1. MetalAnime September 10, 2008 at 11:29 PM
    Hey Redgame,

    Would you really rate this anime with that rating? I mean....Come on, don't you think that's going a little past the line?

    Other than that one question, I think it's cool enough that I'm going to watch it this weekend. Searched up some pictures on it and it seems OK.
  2. Redgame September 11, 2008 at 2:18 AM
    I dunno man, I thought it was pretty good.

    You can't really judge it until ya watch it ya know.

Something to say?

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