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Redgame's Lifestyles of Japan Hour - Kodomo No Nomimono - The Beer for Kids!

By Redgame
Welcome to the first post of Redgame's Lifestyles of Japan Hour where I, your awesome host Redgame, show you a highlight of Japan.

For today's first post, I have something very disturbingly epic to show you viewers out there.

After browsing the Internet for a while I came across
Kodomo No Nomimono, a very popular drink in Japan. Now I know you may be thinking "so what Redgame? its a freakin' drink...who cares if its popular!?" Well my friends this isn't just any normal drink. Kodomo No Nomimono is the Japanese beer.....for kids. That's right, CHILDREN'S BEER!

Now before you freak out, its
non-alcoholic, but just the image alone is kinda freaky I know. But then again what do you expect!? it's Japan!

Kodomo No Nomimono


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