Alliance of Anime Forums

Alliance of Anime Forums

Anime Knockout List

By MetalAnime
Below is a compiled list of anime series that we hope to turn into a video, or 'knockout', before Halloween hits. So far, we've managed to complete two, though they are unfinished, but we plan on setting off a sprawling empire of anime video series.

Knockout List

Bleach [Ichigo is on Crack Series]
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion
Soul Eater [Celebrity Brain Project Series]

Ichigo is on Crack so far, has not progressed since its last update. To be completely honest, the majority of opinions from the public fans out there have bluntly stated that the Celebrity Brain Project video was at least 5x better than the Ichigo is on Crack series. Therefore, we've decided to plan even further in-depth on the story's plot so it doesn't end up being like the first episode, with two-thirds of the actual video being the opening and the ending theme songs.

The Celebrity Brain Project series hit off nicely. Though there were some visible gray areas that needed fixing. Some of them we had caught but just didn't fix up, but from now on, no mistakes will be tolerated, purposely or accidentally. Once again, we appreciate your support people!

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