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History School Cramming Sessions

By MetalAnime
An extremely difficult history test tomorrow and I've been studying my ass off for the whole week, just thought I'd put something out there about the situations here and there, like we've said before, videos are still progressing, but at a slower rate. The main purpose of this blog post however, is to basically leave a remnant of today, before tomorrow's test, which may come back with positiveness or negativeness, depending on how I do. Nevertheless, it's pretty f*cking stressful here as I have attempted to study numerous times today, but could not bring myself to do it. It seems tomorrow will be a big mystery, let's just hope I can keep up my average for the class and don't bomb this one.

On the news regarding the Celebrity Brain Project, it seems the teacher has not even watched the video that my friends and I spent four days working on :(. Oh well....She will have to eventually >_<. I will post what grade the project received as soon as the results for the projects are out. I want to be able to tape record the presentation of the project to the class but that's probably not going to happen since electronics are no longer allowed on school campuses -.-.


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