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Alliance of Anime Forums

Another Week Until Friday - W00t!

By MetalAnime
It's Monday, the Monday that every student like myself dreads for a variety of reasons. I had to drag my ass out of bed today at 7:30 A.M, which was very difficult since I was accustomed to sleeping until 2:30 P.M during the weekend. The perky Internet Administrator decided to challenge me to what I like to call, "It'sonlikedonkeykong Hacker!" war. He apparently blocked the proxy my friend Carlos and I were using to access Myspace and YouTube, so we spent the whole class period listening and doing work....Which wasn't that bad since the teacher let us have a break today and mess with Photoshop a bit. The really nerve racking aspect of today was that I had to attend another four hour class after school! AHHHHH!!!! I didn't get home until 9:30 P.M, and my homework hasn't even been picked up yet. It's 11:00 P.M right now and I really need to hustle my ass otherwise I'm screwed for tomorrow. *Sigh.* Another night of no sleep it seems.

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